
Community Service


Community Service


Saint John’s Church serves the local community in following ways:

  • Supporting financially, working closely with, providing members for the Board, and providing meeting space for The Better Waverly Community Organization.

  • Assisting the Waverly Family Center with contributions of volunteers, money, supplies, advertising, parking, and a member for the board of Directors.

  • Supporting the Franciscan Sisters (Roman Catholic) with on-going contributions of food, money, clothing, and a regular volunteer for the Franciscan Center.

  • Preserving a haven of green, garden, beauty and peace as a witness to Waverly and Baltimore of the power of a disciplined spiritual life (And that doesn’t include maintenance to the three buildings on the National Historic Register!).

  • Participating in the Salvation Army’s Feed My Sheep program, to distribute food to the homeless.

  • Cleaning the trash from our entire block of Greenmount Avenue.

  • Opening our doors free of charge to community organizations.

  • Providing a place for spiritual, visual, and musical respite in the midst of a reviving urban community.



Saint John’s Church serves the larger Church and world by:

  • Carefully modelling in its services and devotions a spiritual Rule of Life for personal use based on The Book of Common Prayer.

  • Offering a model for a slower paced, thoughtful, prayerful, questioning, disciplined, and joyful engagement with the Divine.

  • Training a dozen licensed Lay Readers able to officiate at services of the Church.

  • Regularly supporting financially the Sisters of Saint Margaret (Anglican) in their school and AIDS hospice work in Port-au-Prince, Haiti.


As you can see, although peaceful and serene in its disposition the church is very busy working improve the physical as well as spiritual well-being of the community.

These are testing times for us and so we trust that God will provide. We also work very hard and hope that after reading these web-pages you will be motivated to play a part in supporting our great effort. Simple donations certainly help but we hope that you will find time to visit the Church and become, at least in some small way, more personally involved.

If that means that you do no more than pick up a piece of litter that someone else has dropped it will help promote the work of the church you may find that your soul feels just a little warmer as a result.



Opportunities for Ministry

Opportunities for Ministry

The Altar Society of Saint John’s Church

The Altar Society is divided into four Guilds, all under the supervision of the Sacristan. These guilds have highest responsibility in the Church, under the Rector’s guidance, for the handling and care of the sacred vessels and the preparation and service of the Church in worship. Members of the Society are appointed by the Rector. Inquiries should be directed to the Bishop's Ministry Team, c/o 

The Altar Guild prepares the Altars for all Sunday services and principal feasts. The care of the linens, silver and brass is a responsibility of this Guild. Members serve in monthly rotation. The Guild is responsible for general cleaning in the Sanctuary, and with the Rector’s Verger, for oversight of cleaning throughout the Church. Contact: Ms Anne Whitmore, Sacristan of Saint John’s Church and President of the Altar Guild, c/o

The Sewing Guild makes and repairs vestments, Altar linens, needlepoint, and has responsibility for the care of the Altar hangings and other fabric appointments in the Church. Members serve as needed. 

The Flower Guild provides floral decoration or greenery at the appropriate times for services during the Church Year. Many flowers come from home gardens and members are welcome to raid the Church gardens at anytime. The Flower Guild is responsible for all floral arrangements for weddings, funerals, or baptisms. Florists may work in Saint John’s Church only under the Guild’s strict supervision and direction. Contact: Ms Mary Bruce Leigh, c/o

The Acolyte Guild provides traditional assistance to the ministering priest or officiant during regular services of the Church. Members are trained by the Master of the Acolytes or Rector’s Verger for service at the Altar and to assist the Altar Guild as needed. Contact: Ms Mary Bruce Leigh, Master of the Acolytes, c/o


The Christophers


Volunteers from the Congregation assist others by providing a ride to Church on a monthly basis or as arranged. This very important ministry maintains community and keeps our people involved in the church-centred activities of our congregational life. Contact: the Bishop's Ministry Team, c/o 


The Lector’s Guild


Members of the Congregation assist in the proclamation of Holy Scripture at services throughout the year. This Guild meets annually in October for instruction by the Rector and for “refresher” rehearsal. Contact: the Bishop's Ministry Team, c/o 


Saint Benedict’s Guild


The daily round of prayer and praise at Saint John’s is kept heaven bound by this prayer group. The daily Offices of the Church are prayed at 7.45 AM and 5.45 PM, Monday through Friday, from Michaelmas (29 September) through Trinity Sunday (early June). Members are trained to lead the services of morning and evening prayer, Mattins and Evensong, and are then licensed by the Bishop to officiate. Individuals take as many or as few services in a month as their time permits. Contact: the Bishop's Ministry Team, c/o 


Saint John’s Garden Society


The four and three-quarters acres of land which is Saint John’s Church is an anchor property in Waverly, and its care is a crucial part of our ministry to the neighborhood. Volunteers to assist in tending the several gardens at Saint John’s are needed ‘perennially’. Members work under the supervision of the Senior Sexton, Mr Michael Simon. Contact: via the Bishop's Ministry Team, c/o 


Saint John’s Missionary Guild


The external ministry of Saint John’s Church is coordinated through this Guild. There are three commissions for this Guild. They are: neighborhood, diocesan, and international service. Our neighborhood ministry is in association with The Waverly Family Center. Our regional work is with the Franciscan Center and the Better Waverly Improvement Association. Food is collected regularly at the church for the pantry at the Franciscan Center. Our international work is done through the mission of the Sisters of Saint Margaret to the Haitian people, Saint Margaret’s Convent, Pour-au-Prince, Haiti. Volunteers and donations in kind or cash are always welcome and urgently needed. Contact: the Bishop's Ministry Team, c/o 


Saint Luke’s Guild


This Guild is dedicated to serving our housebound members. Each member of the Guild visits one or two members who are at home or in domiciliary care at least one day a month. They report monthly to the Rector and arrange a mutually convenient time for the administration of the Sacrament of Holy Communion. Members serve for two years to provide continuity of visitation. Contact: the Bishop's Ministry Team, c/o 


Saint Monica’s Society


Urgent and/or prolonged intercessory prayer is the mission of this Society. Members pray for the truly desperate and difficult as requested, in addition to the regular prayers made at the Church’s Daily Offices. Contact: Ms Joyce Corey, via the Bishop's Ministry Team, c/o 


Saint Martha’s Guild


Our Congregation’s well-known hospitality is possible through this group of volunteers who help extend the welcome to visitors and parishoners after services. Help is always needed and the number of volunteers never enough. There are ways for all to help. Contact: Ms Nancy Duggan, Chair, via the Bishop's Ministry Team, c/o 


The Usher’s Guild


Men and women of the Congregation welcome those attending service, distribute service leaflets, supervise parking (out of and in Church!), assist in the collection of alms, and prevent disruption of Divine Service. An important ministry of hospitality. Training annually in September, and by appointment. Contact: the Bishop's Ministry Team, c/o 



Our Ministry Partners

Our Ministry Partners

Sisters of Saint Margaret (Anglican) – school and AIDS hospice work in Port-au-Prince, Haiti.

The People’s Community Health Centre - Baltimore’s oldest free clinic.

GOODWILL (The Waverly Family Center information near the bottom of the page)

Franciscan Center (Sisters of St. Francis of Assisi)